Tuesday 10 July 2018

Delius and Gershwin


Yes –
putting Sea drift with Porgy and Bess
worked like an unexpected rhyme.
Loss, self-deceit, eastern seaboard
made their shared chord.

The above was written in 2004, after a Cambridge Philharmonic Society concert featuring the two works mentioned.  It earns its place in this blog, let me admit, by virtue of self-publication.  I fielded it using the #losslit hashtag on Twitter.  It did well compared with my tweets in general, if not compared with other people's #losslit tweets, so I offer it now.

I have found a seam of creativity by following the book 52: write a poem a week.  Start now.  Keep going by Jo Bell. My rate of production hasn't come to one a week -- after nearly a year I've only just got on to number 37 -- but the book's prompts include published poetry that has opened several new planets to explore.